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Welcome to Stylin Online! Check our selection of Resident Evil T-Shirts today or click CAPCOM for the rest of our Capcom T-Shirt section!

Resident Evil (or Biohazard) by Capcom invented the genre of survival horror. Based around the basic idea of shooting zombies as a fun (and very scary if you tried it with the lights off) pastime and the B movie storyline of corporate conspiracies and illegal experimentation is what truly made Resident Evil so appealing. Our mission after playing the games for years is to inspire gamers to follow their own path and to find a different perspective from the old standard. Dark, creative styling, and genuine Umbrella Corporation scariness, Stylin Online and their Resident Evil T-Shirts let you express yourself without saying a word. You are what you wear because you wear what you are. So if a zombie happens to step in your patch while holding a shotgun, you'll know exactly what to do wearing your Resident Evil T Shirt. Our Resident Evil T-Shirt pick is Umbrella Corporation Tee

Picture this, unknown to you the T-virus has just been unleashed on Raccoon City. Your S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team has just been sent in to investigate the disappearance of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, but you have precious seconds to get ready. Well, you grab a trusted shotgun and some worthy back up, but what to wear. Sure you can wear official S.T.A.R.S. fatigues but really you know better than that. So you hop on a computer to www.StylinOnline.com 's officially licensed Resident Evil t shirt section and pick up some awesome Resident Evil shirts to let zombies know you are not messing around. The only issue is your leaving so where to deliver the new Resident Evil T-Shirts you just picked out. Oh I know, maybe the "abandoned" Spencer Mansion near your mission location!
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